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- Tennis & Pickleball -
Tennis and Pickleball courts, leagues, clinics and events for all ages and playing levels!
Book your table to the 2021 trivia nite!
Spring 2021 • Date TBD
Click the DONATE button below to be taken to our our PayPal donations page.
Donate $300 in order to purchase
a table of 10.
DDTC is a 501(c)3 and a portion
of your participation in trivia night is tax deductible.
US Open - $10,000 - Includes: A court sponsorship naming right for 1 year at DDTC. • Sponsor board night of Trivia and mentioned throughout the event. • 1 table at Trivia Nite for 10 people. • Food included for the night plus wait staff to help get drinks • 2 pizzas, wings, chips n’ salsa, dessert.
Wimebledon - $5,000 - Includes: A large, granite stone bearing a plaque with the sponsor's name, placed permanently on the DDTC grounds. • Sponsor board night of Trivia and mentioned throughout the event. • 1 table at Trivia Nite for 10 people. • Food included for the night plus wait staff to help get drinks • 2 pizzas, wings, chips n’ salsa, dessert.
French Open - $600 Includes: Sponsor board night of Trivia and mentioned throughout the event. • 1 table at Trivia Nite for 10 people. • Food included for the night plus wait staff to help get drinks • 2 pizzas, wings, chips n’ salsa, dessert.
Australian Open - $300 - Includes: 1 table at Trivia Nite for 10 people.
Davis Cup - $200 - Includes: Round sponsor - noted on the answer sheet and mentioned by MC.
Fed Cup - Auction Item - Includes: Sponsor Board night of Trivia.
To purchase a sponsorship online, click the yellow donate button and enter the sponsorship amount in PayPal
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