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Dwight Davis Memorial Tennis Center is a 501(c)3, non-profit and is not funded by Forest Park Forever, The City of St. Louis, or the State of Missouri. Outreach programs and facilities are updated by donors like you. 


As Parks Commissioner, Dwight F. Davis built St. Louis' first public tennis courts in Forest Park in 1912.

There were 32 courts where our current 19 reside today. 


Dwight F. Davis is famous for removing the "Keep Off the Grass" signs posted around St. Louis city parks when he became commissioner. "The purpose of the parks was the 'raising of the men or women rather than grass or trees', said Davis at his new post." (Kriplen, 91) Like Mr. Davis, the board, management and staff of DDMTC are committed to helping raise responsible and healthy children in St. Louis communities. We hope to continue to grow the sport of tennis in St. Louis, give access to it to those who might not normally have it, and to provide expert instruction for the city and surrounding areas of St. Louis. 



Please help continue Dwight Davis' legacy and donate to Dwight Davis Memorial Tennis Center today. You can mail donations in to our Pro Shop and we will mail you a donation receipt. 



If you'd like to send a donation in the mail, please make checks payable to:


Dwight Davis Memorial Tennis Center


mail to: 

Jim Seitz
Dwight Davis Tennis Center

5620 Grand Dr

St Louis, MO 63112

Thank you for considering us, 
The Dwight Davis Memorial Tennis Center Board of Directors 
All donations are tax deductible. 

Dwight Davis Tennis Center • 5620 Grand Drive • St. Louis, MO 63112 • 314-361-0177 Pro Shop  •


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