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Updated as of 3/8/2021


  • Do not come to DDTC if you have traveled out of the metropolitan area for 48 hours.

  • Do not come to DDTC if you or a family member is sick or have symptoms of Covid.

  • Do not come to DDTC if you are awaiting results for a Covid test even if you feel healthy.

  • Do not come to DDTC for 14 days if you have been in contact with anyone who is being tested for or Covid.

  • Do not come to DDTC if you are living in a household with anyone who is Covid Positive.


If you were in contact with someone positive (being within 6 feet of that person for more than 10 minutes or in general heavy contact) Please do the following:


If you test negative: Do not come to DDTC for 48 hrs after receiving your results.


If you test positive: Remain away from the club for 21 days or 48 hrs after receiving a negative test.


Honesty and respect for your peers and friends will help us keep the Club  a safe place for our families.


  • We require a Mask at DDTC except when playing and dining.

  • We ask you to Social Distance everywhere. We have sanitizer heavily distributed around the club for easy access hand cleansing.

Thank you to those who may have had a Covid experience and have communicated with us to help keep their friends and our members safe.

  • No water / ice machine will be available, please bring your own full water bottles

  • Only 2 pickleball courts may be used at a time while we adhere to social distancing

  • All staff will be screened with mandatory health checks at the beginning of shifts. 

  • Masks or protective gear are recommended for all guests when not on court surfaces.

  • Restrooms will have regularly scheduled sanitation. 

  • All play will be by reservation only to assure safe distancing and occupancy limits.

  • Arrive as close as possible to when you need to be there.

  • No extra-curricular or social activity should take place. No congregation after playing. 

  • The Pro Shop will no longer be open to the public. Please use the walk-up window to complete transactions. 

  • We encourage contactless transactions by offering online booking for pickleball and tennis courts. Set up a Club Automation account today and book your court online with a credit card.

  • Arrive at the facility close to assigned start time, ready to play, and depart immediately.

  • Bring your own chairs and avoid sharing a bench with a teammate and/or opponent.

  • Use headbands, hats, towels or wristbands to avoid touching their faces during play.

  • Wash hands often (before / after matches.) 

  • Clearly verbalize score at the start of each point and use technology to report scores (text or email.)

  • Maintain safe social distance between players during the racquet spin at the start of a match.

  • Offer an acknowledgment such as a nod, a thumbs up or a “good match” instead of shaking players’ hands.

Poster-USTA COVID19 PlayingTennisSafely.

Dwight Davis Tennis Center • 5620 Grand Drive • St. Louis, MO 63112 • 314-361-0177 Pro Shop  •


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